I’d like to say that the birth of my first child completely changed my life from the first moment I laid eyes on him. In reality, it was a slower shift. Since I was a little girl, I imagined rockin’ it all - making a home-cooked meal, kissing my kids goodbye, heading to work (with a briefcase of course), and getting home in time for bath and cuddles. While working in the film and television industry, I actually even managed it for a while. But then, we moved. And moved again. And again - eventually settling in Israel.
With each move, I began using my skills in the entertainment industry in different ways. Developing stories for the screen turned into creating magical stories for my children - utilizing my expertise in lighting, photography and art.
Time after time, I designed my kids’ rooms in different ways, each telling a different story. I wanted to make their rooms a place they wanted to spend time in - giving them a real sense of home. I am a true believer in how the space we’re in is part of our self-definition, having a significant affect on our psychological state.
We use our homes to make purposeful statements about ourselves, and I wanted my children to have a space that is both simulating and playful, allowing them to learn and express themselves through play. It quickly became fascination of mine, and I spent all of my free time researching ways to enrich their world and allow their creativity to blossom.
After years of building a career in entertainment, I had finally discovered my professional and creative calling and decided to put into practice everything I have learned thus far - creating distinctive, personalized, inspiring spaces for kids - making each space as unique as the child who will flourish there.
In the end, the birth of my children has brought me somewhere I never thought I would be before. I took a risk, said goodbye to the executive title and briefcase, and created Nooks. My life now revolves around wallpaper, crib dimensions, a ton of paint, and legos. Childhood is all about imagination and discovery, and I adore getting to tap into those elements in my designs.